Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

What is Search Engine Marketing

What is Search Engine MarketingInternet Marketing, or Online Marketing ?

The importance of search engines. 
Every day around the globe, millions of people like you or I turn on our computer or use our cell phone at home, office or wherever we are to find information on the network. And what do we do? Skip to the page of a search engine, no matter what because everyone has their favorite.

It is estimated that only in English, which is the language that dominates the network, are more than 500 million searches every day, now imagine what must be the total of searches made ​​in the planet? But this grand total, nearly 90% are made ​​in only 3 search engines, Google , Yahoo ! and MSN (Bing), respectively.

Moreover, Internet users are increasingly demanding in seeking the information that interests them, but are in the top 2 or 3 pages of results naturally shift or change search terms, being forgotten all other web pages that were in searches.

What's more, the search engines more frequently change their search algorithm to provide users with more relevant information. Another important factor is the continued growth of web pages that are added to the existing Internet, also the undisputed globalization and competition that brings all this creates a dilemma.

"How will you find my website Internet users?"

These factors make it increasingly difficult for a page is visible on the Internet. This is where the function comes in Online Marketing or Search Engine Marketing to increase the visibility and presence to a brand, product, service or a name on the super information highway, and implement appropriate strategies that can be done to have better visibility internet.

Sometimes I asked people or businesses with which dialogue, "... what you marketing strategies for your online business? ..." I respond with some great confidence. "I have a website!". But ... have a website on the Internet and Internet marketing are two totally different things.

Your website can have excellent graphics, flash animations, information about all your products, contact information, and even winning awards for best design and some web sites I've seen.

But what good is all this, if people can not find your website on the Internet?

This is what happens to over 95% of web pages on the network, are lost in cyber ocean, this is due to the lack of several factors.

What is Online Marketing? 
Let the point, and since we use the Internet as the primary means of communication between us, we make a tool of the Internet itself as a reference, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia famous and one of the most visited sites worldwide.

"Internet marketing is the use of the Internet to advertise and sell products and services. Internet marketing includes advertising per click ads on websites, send mass email, SEM search marketing (including search engine optimization SEO) and marketing of logs (blogs). "

What that tells us this definition?, In short, use the Internet effectively using these strategies to sell and promote your products or services through the web.

But all such effects, which in this case called Online Marketing strategies are well defined and should be applied by people with a good degree of knowledge and experience in online marketing.

If properly implemented, and together these strategies will catapult your site to the big leagues, or appear in top positions on search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN and get thousands of visitors to your web pages. This way your website will have a lot of qualified traffic you can achieve what you seek, promote and sell your products or services by making people constantly return to your place to find more of your services.

The definition from Wikipedia is fine, just a bit outdated already, so I would add some other strategies.

"Advertising on cell phones." 
Know that there are more cell phones than PCs in the world?, Imagine the scope will have this new Internet age. This is just the beginning, with the release of Yahoo! One Search, this new stage has begun to find almost everything in the browser of your cell phone with just one button.

"Advertising and social networking presence" 
The era of so-called Web 2.0 , can be reduced to one word. Socialize. This is what the internet users all over the world in the new set of social networks such as Facebook, Hi5, Twitter, YouTube or MySpace, to name some of the best known. This is also a way to interact and attract users to our website to show what we do or offer in our business or website.

The image sells. Managing your online image and reputation is also of paramount importance. Branding used to associate and identify your goods or services with an image and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

"Positioning and Local Search" 
The local search service, brand or product in your city or surrounding areas of influence logographic your business is growing more and more and give you a huge advantage over your competitors if you can seize this opportunity. Look at the Google Universal results on Google Maps showing sites and companies in your area.

"Viral Marketing" 
One of the tools currently used with great success by companies or global brands and create the snowball effect called The classic example that grew HotMail is the best example. Since in each email that is sent, your brand is present and invota others to participate in HotMail.

The great advantage of using these strategies is that you can fight to You for You with the big brands. But equally, its implementation should be made by people with a wide degree of knowledge of online marketing, otherwise you'll be wasting your time and investment.

What we might conclude from this?

The competition is getting harder to appear in the first search engines.
There are different strategies to promote a website on the internet
Users are increasingly demanding in seeking information.
These strategies must be implemented by people with a fair degree of expertise in the subject.
These strategies generate qualified traffic to your website.
Source :
And you? What search engine marketing strategies you use?

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